
Wednesday, 27 February 2019

breakfast muffins

breakfast muffins 


1/2 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 onion diced
4 slices ham
4 cherry tomatoes
1 1/2 cups self-raising flour
1 Tbsp parsley chopped/ diced
1/2 tasty cheese
1/2 smoked paprika
2 eggs
to taste sea salt and cracked black pepper
1/2 cup milk


  1. preheat oven to 185c on fan bake.
  2. line 8 large muffin holes (or a regular 12 tray) with baking paper squares large enough to come up the sides. (We used a canola oil spray)
  3. heat the oil in a frying pan and saute onions for 3-4 mins until the onion is soft. Set aside to cool.
  4. in a large bowl, combine the tomatoes, parsley, flour, cheese, paprika and season.
  5. add the cooked onions and ham and stir to combine.
  6. whisk together eggs and milk and fold into other ingredients gently until just combined.
  7. spoon into prepared trays and bake for 12-15 mins until golden and puffed.

what I learnt?
Last week I learnt how to cook breakfast muffins and that you should fold your mixture instead of mixing it.

Friday, 22 February 2019


🔬DNA 🔬

What is DNA?
The structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the same as all living things. It is said that it looks like a twisted ladder (non-scientific) it can also be known as a double helix which is the scientific name for it. DNA is made up of simple repeating units called nucleotides. A nucleotide is made up of sugar, a phosphate and some type of base. A DNA strand side is made up of sugar and phosphate these are joined together by chemicals called nucleotide base. 
DNA replication?
DNA replication is when a DNA clones itself during cell division (Cell division is when a parent cell divides into two more daughter cells). When the enzyme unwinds the parent DNA new nucleotides are brought in. When in they bond with the base that is on the parent DNA, because of this they end up bonding together to create a new strand. When this process is finished in the end there will be two more new molecules of DNA. These new DNA molecules are both exact copies of the original molecule. 
I got this information from: 
Double helix mad out of pipe cleaners:
Double helix: a pair of parallel helices intertwined about a common axis, especially that in the structure of the DNA molecule.

Aim: to make a double helix out of pipe cleaners Succesful.

Equipment: Red, Blue, Yellow and green pipe cleaners, scissors. 

  1. Find some pipe cleaners.
  2. Separate the pipe cleaners into colour coordination piles.
  3. Get you blue and red pipe cleaners and twist them around each other. (do it twice)
  4. Twist the yellow and green pipe cleaners around each other. 
  5. Cut the green and yellow pipe cleaner into 7-8 cm size.
  6. Lay both the red and blue pipe cleaners side by side so they are parallel from each other.
  7. Put the green and yellow pipe cleaners in between them.
  8. Connect them at the ends.
While making double helix this I found it hard to get the right length.
What I might do next time?
If I was to do this again I think I would want to do something more challenging like extracting DNA from fruit instead of making something out of pipe cleaners. If I had to make a pipe cleaner one again I would like to get the colours different so they are more similar to a real DNA strand.

slave trade tri

In the past couple of weeks in social studies, we have been learning about the slave trade triangle. We had to make a map of all the place they would go to and stop off at.

My map:

Thursday, 21 February 2019

two worlds, one family🌎👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

“Two worlds, One family”

That there are two families like the aps/animals are one of the worlds and the humans are the other world. The aps took in Tarzan as one of there own so both the worlds came together so it's kinda saying that everyone is one family.

Tarzan helped me understand that you don't have to look like your family to be family so let's say you were adopted they took you in as one of there own and made a home for you and tried to act like a family for you. Basically, a family is not determined by blood.

One of the messages that you can find in the movie is the way you treat nature.
Another one is that it family is not necessarily the people who look like you or who gave birth to you, it’s who’s there for you. Choose where you belong.

A message from the movie Tarzan is that family is not determined by blood. This is because family are the people that are there for you and who care about you. We see this in the scene where Kala hears Tarzan cry’s so she goes up to the house.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

chicken and rice 🐔🍚

last week we did a practical and made chicken and rice patties. Before we made them we made a few changes to the recipe.
We also did a bit of mis en place before we started our cooking so we were all ready and prepared 
Changes: 2 cups rice, ½ carrot, 1-2 spring onions stalks, ¾ cup grated cheese, 2 eggs. What I learnt doing this: When we were making this I learnt that we might need to cook the rice a bit longer. What I would do differently next time: Next time I think I might Spray less oil on the tray because when we took it out it was a bit too oily. Perishable: It's likely to go bad or decay. Non-perishable: Its able to be stored for a long time. Having the right storage for these two food types is important because if you have the wrong storage it could go off faster and start to grow bacteria. It has an impact because of the temperature. The storage has to be the right temperature for the food to be stored correctly.

For this practical, I thought our team worked well together and we got everything done on time and was ready.


Mobile banking 

Mobile banking was created in 1999 A.D. European banks began offering mobile banking with primitive smartphones. As the ‘Euro’ began to circulate in 2002, this made mobile banking easier throughout Europe. Using mobile banking made it easier for people to steal money from you and the information. Benefits of it though was that it saved people time so they didn't have to go and get money out of the bank.

Pay wave
In 2008 in the UK Pay wave began. If you had this card you could just place it over top of the screen and it would pay for it. If you had one of these cards there were some disadvantages because if you lose your card or if it got stolen someone could use it and not need a pin. There are benefits to having one of these cards like if you were in a rush you could just wave it over top of the screen.

Friday, 15 February 2019


This term in health we are learning about the four dimensions of hauora at the moment we are learning about spiritual well-being. Spiritual well-being is the things that are important to you and that make you who you are.

2 of the most important values for me are family and friends. This is because they will be there for me when I need them and I will be there for them.

 Family this is important to me because without my family I wouldn't be here When we went on a family trip up north I might get a little mad/angry but I would probably keep it to myself 
 friends  this is important to me because they will be there for me when I need them When I had things going on and I could tell them stuff   I might get a little mad/angry but I would probably keep it to myself 


 Trust  I trust people in my life  I could be more open and trust people more 
 respect  I respect the people around me in what they do and there chooses  I could be more open to others opinions and respect them more  

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

human rights

Me and my group have decided that these are the top five best Human Rights based on our opinion, we think these are really important because we believe everyone should have the right to be free, live where they want, be who they intend to be, love who they want no matter there skin colour or race or gender.

Article  02

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

                                                               Article 10

Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

                                                              Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
                                                             Article 26

(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
                                                                     Article 5

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Friday, 8 February 2019

shading and tone🎨🎨

In art, we have started to learn about shading and tone so that when we start our big project we will be able to add these techniques to our drawing to make them look more realistic. We are Learning the techniques required to make our ideas come alive; drawing with tone and proportion.

My drawing:

- Have you improved with shading?
I think I have improved with my shading 
- do you understand that using a structure can help you draw better (light loose lines under your work)? explain what this means to a reader.
Yes because you can get a better outcome/ better results. I think having a structure in art is important because if you were to draw the picture right away and push down hard on the pencil and it didn't look the way you wanted you would have to erase it out then you would have marks and indents on your paper.
- What are you going to work on going forward in pencil drawing in and out of class?
How dark I push my pencil/ how dark I make the lines.

Some of the videos we looked at were:

Friday, 1 February 2019

first home economics for the year

safety with others:
  • hold sharp objects correctly
  • look out for the element
  • don't be silly around sharp objects
  • don't be silly around hot elements
  • don't run around the kitchen
  • wash hands
  • hair tied up
  • clean nails
  • wash dishes properly
  • don't sneeze near food
  • wear school shoes
personal safety
before: check nails, hair and wash hands//During: wash hand after touching raw meat.
food safety
before: wash hands, clean vegges//During: getting unused cutlery out of the way.