Mrs Elley shoes
Hornby High School
180 Waterloo Road
Christchurch 8042
16th June 2017
Dear Mrs Elley
We should only be allowed to wear black leather school shoes to Hornby High because of all the dangers around the school especially now with all of the construction that came with the new rebuild of our school. Also when we go to tech or science there are a lot of dangerous machines or hot chemicals that we could easily drop or spill on our feet or on to our school uniform.
The second reason is because it wouldn’t look nice and presentable wearing sports shoes with our Hornby High school uniform. It is also much easier for families/parents to know what types of shoes they're going out to buy for their kids. Also not having to worry about going out to find some certain sport shoes that their kids want. They also have a pretty good idea on how much it will cost them.
The last reason is that it is not safe for us to go into some of the class rooms with sports shoes on like the science room and tech room. People could also be bullied because of what types of shoes they wear, how they look or were the shoes came from. Some people could also feel insecure about what people are going to say about their shoes, the way they look in them or how much they cost.
This is why we should only be allowed to wear black leather shoes to school and not wear sport shoes unless you are doing fitness or PE.
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