Marine Biologist
A marine biologist is someone who studies all types of sea creatures, and can choose to studying large ocean animals like whales and everything else in between. Marine biologist earn $70,800 per year. There salaries normally starts of at $39,700 and raise up to about $124,680. If you want to become a marine biologist you must complete at least a your bachelor's degree. Which can take up to four years to complete.
I chose this job because I think that it would be really cool to work with sea animal and be able to get up really closes to them. If you ever wanted to become a marine biologist I think that some of the skills you would need to have are to be a good swimmer, work as a team and many other skills.
Kia ora Cortney, you have put a lot of thought into the skills and attributes a person would need to become a marine biologist. I don't think I like their starting salaries but at the top of the pay scale looks nice. Would you consider pursuing this job? What subjects do you think you would need to take in High School?