
Friday 5 April 2019



A character who changed in Zootopia was Judy. Judy changed because at the start of the movie she thought that zootopia was the perfect place and she has a lot of confidence, during the film Judy starts to lose that confidence and stops believing in herself, towards and at the end of the film Judy gets her confidence back.

Body 1

Judy begun as a confident bunny that believes in herself and knows what she wants. We know this because at the start of the film when it is the play scene, where the children were saying what their dream jobs were. When it came to Judy’s turn we see her move toward the centre of the stage and closer to the audience. We can also hear her say “my dream job is to be a police officer”. Once Judy has said this one of the audience members (Gideon Gray) stands up and laughs at her. In response to this Judy replies back by talking about Zootopia and how perfect it is and how it is a place where anyone can be anything.

Body 2

Judy in the middle of the film was starting to lose her confidence and stopped believing in herself.
This is because of when Judy had to talk to the reporters she doesn't know what to say and just starts talking about how all the animals affected were all predators. When Judy was getting asked too many question mayor Bellwether had to come on stage and take Judy off. Once Judy was finished she walked over to Nick and she could tell that he wasn't too impressed with what she was saying. Nick ends up walking out of the building making Judy sad and making her realize what she has done. When she realized what she did wrong she goes and talks with the chief and mayor Bellwether. They want her to be the face of the ZPD, but she doesn't want to because she thinks she isn't a hero. In this scene, we can see that Judy is sad not only from her tone in voice but in the way her ears are drooping down. We can hear Judy say “ I came here to make the world a better place, but I think I broke it” she is saying this because of how the press-conference went and how what she said during it changed the perspective of so many animals and not in a good way now the animals that are considered predators are being feared from the animals that are considered good and safe. I think that in this moment she loses her confidence because of what has happened and what she has done/said.

Body 3

Judy at the end of the film started to get her confidence back and started to believe in herself. This is because in the scene where Judy’s parent are working with Gideon Gray she first was a bit thrown back but when he starts to apologize she understood and saw that he had changed. We see Stu hopps (Judy’s dad) tell the kids not to go near the Midnicampum flowers. We can also hear Gideon Gray say “ Well now there’s a $4 word you mr.H my family always just call them night howlers”. In this scene we see Judy’s ears going up which makes the audience think that she has an idea, When Judy starts to put all the clues together she figures out what was happening to the animals going savage. I think that in this moment she gets her confidence back and starts to believe in herself again.


Throughout the film, Judy went through stages of believing in herself and then not. At the start of the film, she was confident in herself, in the middle of the film Judy loses all her confidence and stops believing in herself, but towards the end, she gets it all back and believes in herself. I think the directors did this to make a point that even when you go through bad times you can always turn things around. That is why they also would have used some certain lines in the film and some certain film shots to make the film or scene more realistic and relatable.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing, Cortney!
    You have provided specific and relevant details from the movie to answer the question.
    You could improve your 2nd body paragraph by making comments on how the scene is relevant to your statement. You conclude this paragraph with an important idea, when you should be discussing how Judy changed. (Here is a good example from your 3rd body paragraph: " I think that in this moment she gets her confidence back and starts to believe in herself again.")


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