
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Missing Letter Writing

Write a story using the following words
Unicorn, Toad, Sword
You cannot use the letter ‘g’ in any words!

Take it Further- Pick three new words to include but exclude the letter ‘e’

stand, squirrel, moon

Once upon a time, there was a sparkly unicorn. She lived in an animal-filled forest with a friend toad. The unicorn had a sword as its horn. However, because she had the sword horn she could never get close to her friends, instead, she would have to stand at a distance. She was not happy that she wasn't able to play with her friends so she went to find the old squirrel to help her. When she found the old squirrel he was happy to help so he turned the sword into a normal unicorn horn but he told her that at every full moon the sword will appear.

Absurd Warnings⚠⚠⚠

Society is becoming panicked about a lot of everyday objects. cell phones, microwaves, facebook, social media, takeaways, animals etc.
Select 5-10 objects.
For each object, write an absurd warning label that could be placed on the object when it is sold.
Sunglasses- Warning. Use of this object can result in a reduction in social status due to irregular tan lines across the eyes and face. User discretion is advised.

Book- Warning. This book could be as old as your grandparents.

watch- Warning. Do not wear in case the hands go a different way.

table - Warning. Do not use as it may break on you.

chair- Warning. Do not sit if you are clumsy or stupid as it may result in a casualty ( chair fight).

light- Warning. Do not look at this as it may burn your eyes.

The 6 Sentence Story 📖📘

  1. Your first sentence begins with ‘Once upon a time’ and introduces the main character.
  2. The second sentence describes where the character lived.
  3. The third sentence describes the character special talent.
  4. The fourth sentence describes the character's problem.
  5. The fifth sentence tells us why the character felt that way.
  6. The final sentence tells how the character solved the problem.
For Example:

Once upon a time, there was a very hungry alligator. He lived in a deep dark cave where insects sting you. The alligator could climb walls and swim faster than any living creature. However, because the alligator was stuck in this cave with nothing to eat he was very hungry. He felt very grumpy and hungry and would try anything to get out of the cave. One day the alligator found a hole in the side of the cave wall and punched it until it was big enough for him to escape out of.
Once upon a time, there was a crazy squirrel. He lives in a dark hole in the middle of a walnut tree. The squirrel could read the mind of other living animals. However, with all this responsibility, there were times it was a bad gift. He would feel very grumpy and scared because he could tell when other animals wanted to kill him. Instead of always feeling like this he learnt how to control it.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

king of excuses 👑

  1. Choose one of the following options and make a list of all the excuses/reasons  you have used/heard/been given in that situation
  • Why you’re late to class/school
  • Why your homework isn’t done
  • Why you shouldn’t have to do sport
  • Why your sibling is the most annoying creature on the planet
  • Questions you hate answering

Why you're late to class/school:
There was a lot of traffic
We had to go buy some new shoes
We went to the airport
We had family stuff
I woke up late
I couldn't find my homework
I was talking to the teacher
I was getting a drink
I had to walk
I was on the other side of the school
I couldn't find my uniform
my house caught on fire
I missed the bus
my tier poped



What did I do today: 
Today I made a word find with Sharleze, about famous Actors/ Actresses.

What did you find challenging:
I found it hard to agree on what names to put on the word find.


Wednesday 14 November 2018

Alphabet Story

  • Each word must start with the consecutive letter of the alphabet
  • If you run out of letters, go back to the start of the alphabet.
For example: A baby cries despite….

August brought cook delicious eggs from Germany his ice-cream jam

A buzzing cell-phone drained electricity from gathering heaps of information. Jason keeps linking more news online. People questioned Robert since the universal virus was xenobiotic zag.

stone carving

On Monday we got split into our passion projects and started them. I'm in stone carving and we were put into two group's group A, group B, I was in group A. We were the first group to start stone carving and learning about what the tools we were going to use and how to use them. We started to do our stone carving, we are making korus. When our group time was finished we cleaned up and swapped with group B, we went into a classroom to do some drawings for the stone carving because once we have finished our small ones we are getting it to groups and making bigger ones for the school.

Don't Think, Just Write

  • There are eight exercises below and each one comprises
a simple set of three questions.
  • Each one should be answered as quickly as you can.
  • Don’t stop and think just start writing and keep going.
  • Once you have completed all 8, pick the one that appeals most to you and turn it into a short- one page- story.

1. Who is coming round the corner?
2. What is their secret?
They don't like their job
3. What are they carrying?
1. Who has found something at the back of the wardrobe?
2. What have they found?
3. What will they do next?
kill someone
1. What building can you see Rose leaving?
Eiffel tower
2. What is she wearing?
jeans and t-shirt
3. Where is she going?
down the Eiffel tower to get something to eat
1. Why is Ian finding it difficult to steer the car?
he's too short
2. Where is he going?
3. Who is there?
1. The view is blocked by?
a billboard
2. Whose view is blocked?
3. If the view wasn’t blocked what would they see?
city lights/ cars
1. Where did the accident happen?
on the highway
2. Who was hurt?
the driver(mum) and the kid
3. Who helped?
smith/ ambulance
1. Who closes the window?
2. Why?
they were hiding
3. How old are they?
they don't have an age or know what age they are
1. Why did Peter lose his temper with Joanna
she broke his phone
2. Where did he go after he stormed out?
3. What happened to him when he got there?
he got into a bar fight

One day when Peter got home from work he found Joanna standing there with his phone in her hand. When he looked at it it was all cracked and broken after Peter had finished yelling at her he stormed out of the house and went to the bar. As Peter arrived at the bar he crashed his car into some motorbikes parked outside and they all started falling like dominoes when he stepped into the bar and sat down to order a beer a group of bikers up behind him and pulled him off his seat, one by one they all beat him up for crashing it to their bikes. when he could finally get up and fight for him he ran out and o=got in his car and drove home.

Friday 2 November 2018

costumes 👕👖

What costumes are/ How they add to plays:
Costumes are a set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period. Costumes help the actors in a play to portray their character throughout the play.

Why am I interested in costumes:
I'm doing costumes because you can be creative with the way you make them and I like the way they look on people I especially like the costume in Grease and Hairspray because they are funky, bright and have a lot of different patterns on them.


Thursday 1 November 2018

Dragonheart characters

Select 4 lead characters and create a Challenges Chart. Use the headings:
Characters Name, A Challenge faced by the character, How the character reacted, What that shows us about the character. 

What am I learning?
to understand how characters are developed in a film

How does this work show my learning?
I have shown some of the work to do with what I am learning and I have explained good vs evil.