
Thursday 9 November 2017

Life as a leper

Quail Island

It was 1906 a little while after I had travelled to the hospital to be told that I have leprosy. Leprosy is a disease the kills all the nerves in your hands and fingers. You also end up slowly losing your eyesight.

When I first got diagnosed for leprosy the hospital I went to sent me to a different hospital called Bottle lake forest centre for infectious diseases. When they found out that they couldn’t cure me  they then sent me to Quail Island for isolation, so I wouldn’t infect other.

When I was living there I was not allowed to make direct contact with my family and friends when they visited. The caretaker Mr W.Thomas would always get my meal ready by cutting them up.Sometimes he would give me a illustrated newspaper or put on some
records on with the gramophone.

At least once a month doctor Charles Upham would come and check up on me and see how much progress I was making. When he came and checked up on me he said I was making great progress and would be able to leave the island soon. When I left the island I was permanently blinded and my nerves in my hand and finger still felt dead.   

This is my Quail Island writing about a life as a leper.
What can I do to improve my writing and blogging?

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