
Thursday 13 April 2017

My Memoir

My Memoir

On Feb 1st 2014 I fell out of bed with sunlight in my eyes. I was so tired, because the holidays were over and I hadn’t woken up this early in ages. It didn’t help that it was the first day back at school for the year. Once I actually got out of bed I had some breakfast and got dressed.

When I was ready for school I wait for my older brother because he had to walk to School so I just walked with him. When he dropped me off at school I was a bit nervous because

it was a whole new school for me. I thought I would know nobody but. I got to school and some of my friends from my old school were there so it made me feel a bit less nervous.Before I could go and do anything I had to meet the teacher. When I meet my teacher he seemed nice and cool but when we were talking he asked someone that was in my class to show me around the school so I would know where everything was.

When I was finished being shown around I went off and played with some friends I new from my old school. We all went to the playground and started to play. Then the bell rang DING so I  quickly walk to class. When I got into class my teacher introduce me to the whole class.It was weird and I felt a bit nervous because I was the only one that had to stand up in front of the whole class and say hi.

When all of that was finished we went outside and played some games like hide n seek tag but we played it around the hole field it was so fun running away from the tagger and hiding in the bushes. RING the bell went half way through the game we raced back to class and grabbed our lunch.

I ate a chicken wrap and chips. I sat down under a tree by myself and ate my lunch as I was eating someone came over and introduce herself to me after I introduced myself to her we both went and played on the playground.When we got to the playground she introduced me to some of her friends we got along pretty well.

The bell rang again and I ran to class as I got to class I lined up and walked into the classroom we were told to grab our maths book and a pencil because we were going to play a math game.We were put into groups of three 1 person in the group was a runner and 1 person was the writer the other person just sat there and helped figure out the answer to the question that the runner would go up and get from the teacher.Once you finished answering the question your runner would have to take it up to the teacher and if you got it right your group would get the next maths question but if you got it wrong your runner would be sent back and you would have to try and answer it correctly, there was at least 20 question to answer by the time all of teams had answered there was only 5 mins to the bell so some people help pack up.

The bell rang again for lunchtime.When I had finished eating I went and played with some friends I had made by the time we played a few games of bastard on the playground the last bell rang for class and at that point I knew it was almost home time.

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