Friday, 3 September 2021
Lockdown art
Over lockdown in art I have been going out and taking photos of what I think would have a similar look to my panel 1 board. When taking photos I kept in mind the connections I would use that would tie my panel 1 and panel 2 board together. In my panel 1 there is a lot of power line creating horizontal lines throughout my art work, so I played on this taking photos that had power lines. I also took photos using other objects in the photo to create horizontal lines like fences and railings.
Uploading the photos to the computer I then created contact sheets and started to edit a few photos.
Monday, 3 May 2021
Taking photos / Emulations
What have we been doing in art?
In art last term photographers were looking at 'what is a photogram?' and ' what is negative and positive space'. We first looked at what positive and negative space is. Positive space is the subject or area of interest in the artwork. Negative space is the background or the area that surrounds the subject.
When looking at what is a photograms we had a slide that we had to fill in about photograms. Before looking at the slide we had to do a modern day "photogram" where we gathered things around school or in the class room, placed them on the photocopier and photocopied them. When photocopying them we played around with the settings on the copier. We played around with the colours, size and brightness. When we had done around 6-10 of them we had pick 1-2 to cut shapes out of them. Once we cut shapes out we had to either use paint or pastel to play around with the positive and negative space on the cut outs. We then went on to our slide and added to the slides. We had to add all our work we had done that related to the slide. Now that we were on the slide we had to play around with layering something on top of our cutouts. We then played around with the contrast and brightness. Taking out details, adding in new details that could only been seen with the contrast and brightness being played around with. We then played around with recolour. All this was done using google slide and the editing effects that were on there. Is a series put together from all the previous slides. With some of the images I rotated them.
Monday, 15 February 2021
First art class-mood board
In art we’ve been looking into what we might want to do for the year. We looked at what area we were waning to work in, then choosing three arts from our chosen area. There was a traditional, contemporary and aotearoa. We then had to create a mood board of our three artist.
Photography- Cityscape/ Urban world
Traditional- William Eggleston
Contemporary- Duane Michal
Aotearoa- Edith Amituanai
What do I care about?/ What I want to capture
- Here and now
- Whats around me
- Building
- Weather
- Light reflections