
Tuesday 22 October 2019

Future or past⌚

Future or past.
 Would you rather go to your future or your past? Personal I would rather do neither because life's meant to be a surprise like getting a present and not knowing what it is, life is also meant to have a lot of adventures. Both of these can have there ups and downs if you were to choose to go into the future by doing that you could find out things you never wanted to find out or you might be able to discover something cool that could help you and others in the present. If you were to choose to go back to your past you could mess things up in your present/future or you could change something in your life that you an others benefited from. 
Going to your future.
 Going to your future could be fun, cool but also dangerous, let's say you travelled 20-30 years from now, with all the new technology/ inventions you could use to help people in the present if you were to take that information from the future what would be the consequences with those actions. Being able to see yourself and everyone else's future would be an amazing experience, being able to see how everyone turns out before they even know how they turn out and seeing all the new invention and how everything looks different and being able to see how all of this impacts us. 
Back to the past.
 Being able to go back to your past would be life-changing for some people. It would also be a bad thing messing with your past being able to change a lot of people's lives including yours, you may be able to change it for the better but the majority of the time there will be a lot of consequences that come with changing your present/future.
If I was to go to the future.
 If I was to go to the future I would want to look at all the new technology we have then and how that changed the world. I would want to see what type of illnesses or diseases they have found a cure for, and see if they could be made with the technology we have in the present or if they only found a cure because of the new technology. Going to the future I would also have the fear of finding out how I die or how anyone close to me dies.
If I was to go to the past.
 If I was going to go to my past I would want to change a lot of things, at the same time I wouldn't want to because the present would change along with other things. But it would be cool to go back a see what things were like back then and to be able to see or meet people that were in my family. Or to be able to go back to when technology wasn’t a big part of everyday life and be able to spend a day without technology and do what they would do then, like go to the park or do whatever it was they did back then. 

1 comment:

  1. Great piece, Cortney! You've structured this well and it is easy to read.
    The rhetorical question has the reader involved from the start.
    Comparing life to getting a present is a strong simile.

    For next steps you should read your work aloud. There are a few points where you use a comma instead of a full stop. Don't be afraid to join sentences together or split them in half. Your punctuation is used well overall, though!


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