
Tuesday 13 February 2018


What I think is going to happen in the story?
I think that there will be a lot of drama in the book and that the lady that dressed up as a man to go to court will be caught.
Something I am interested in/ wondering about after I watched the video?
What happens to Jessica shylocks daughter.
Something I think will be challenging about Shakespeare and how I think I will overcome it?  
I think talking in front of my class and being able to share my ideas with the class will be hard for me. I think I will overcome this because our teacher use sticks and whosever name is on it share their idea.
Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What two possible reasons do his friends suggest? 
His ships are at sea and he doesn't know where they are.
They think that he is in love.
Do you think Gratiano's contributions help Antonio's mood?
No, because he kept going on and on about how his ships were stuck out at sea.
What are your first impressions of Bassanio?Is he in love?
He is in love with Portia but doesn't have the money to impress her so he needs to borrow the money.
Why does he need to borrow money again now?
Because he wants to impress Portia Because He loves her.
How do Portia's first words compare with Antonio?
She is whiny and Antonio is sad.
What is the reason for her mood?
She doesn't want to be with any of them.
Do you think Nerissa is a help to her?
A bit because she is helping her choose a man.
Sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia's attitude to her Suitors so far?
She hasn't been very nice. 
Act One, Scene Three:
Shylock is a moneylender. Does he seem eager to do business with Bassanio? How do you know?
No, because he's doesn't think he will be able to pay him back.
Which does Shylock think is safe, his business or Antonio’s? Why?
His because Antonio's business could sink at any moment.
Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio?
Because he doesn't like their religion or their beliefs.
What strict principal of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio?
Don't lend or borrow money with interest.
Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness. How does Antonio answer the charges?
How does Bassanio react to the proposed bond?

He doesn't like it and doesn't want Antonio to take it for him.

We have watched racial and religious tensions at work in A1S3. The Prince of Morocco opens A2S1 with another sensitive issue. What is it?
Racism He says in the first sentence of act 2 scene 1 "Mislike me not for my complexion" meaning "don't dislike me because of the colour of my skin".
If Antonio loses his gamble, he must forfeit a pound of flesh. What must Portia’s suitors give up if they fail to win her?
Marring other people.
Shylock practices ‘usury’. What is this?
When you lend money an ask for more back.
Why do Shylock and Antonio hate each other?
because they have different values, beliefs and religions.
What is Portia’s opinion of the Prince of Morocco- give examples?
Nothing "yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as any comer I have looked on yet for my affection" meaning "then you’d have had as good a chance to marry me as any of the suitors I’ve met so far, prince."
Act Two, Scene Two
Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
Because Shylock was treating him poorly and not feeding him. In it, Launcelot says " You may tell every finger I have with my ribs" meaning " You can see my ribs so well you can count them"
Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont?Because Bassanio knows that Gratiano can get quite wild and do stupid things. In the text, Bassanio says "  Gratiano. Thou art too wild, too rude" Meaning "Sometimes you get a bit too wild, and you let your voice get a bit loud and rude".
Act Two, Scene Three
What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
She doesn't like it as she says in the text "Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil, Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness" Meaning "it’s hell in our house, and you helped cheer it up, like a funny devil"
Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry?
Lorenzo and then she will become Christian.
Act Two, Scene Four

How does Jessica get a message to her lover?

Giving a letter to Launcelot to give to him.
How will she be disguised for the elopement?
She will dress up as a boy.
Act Two, Scene Five
Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
Because in the text, Launcelot said to him " And they have conspired together" meaning they have been plotting things.
Act Two, Scene Six
How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening?
Inviting Shylock to dinner.

What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?
She throws a box/casket down to Lorenzo.
Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?
To tell him that the masque has been cancelled.


Act Two, Scene Seven
Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer.Gold because he says "Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire" meaning “He who chooses me will get what many men want.” 
How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, -while the Prince is making his choice, at the end
From the text, she sounds fine but a bit nervous but towards the end, she is relieved
What was Portia's father trying to achieve by the use of the caskets? Does this seem to be working?
He was trying to see who was worthy of Portia. 
Act Two, Scene Eight
What double disaster has struck Shylock?
Jessica has left and she has stolen his jewels.
Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be?
On the gondola ship that is sailing away.
How did Bassanio and Antonio part?
With a short conversation and an affectionate handshake.
What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this.
Salarino says in the text, “in the narrow seas that part the French and English, there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught. I thought upon Antonio when he told me, And wished in silence that it were not his.” This means there was a sunken boat from Venice and he hopes it wasn’t Antonio’s

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