
Monday 31 July 2017

How the body works


  • The biggest part of your eye is a vitreous body witch help us see shapes.
  • Our eye is like the size of a ping pong ball.
  • The cones in our eyes help us see colour
  • Cones and rods help us see a full picture with colour.
  • The colourful part of your eyes are called iris.
  • The brain is what flips over the image so it is the right way up.
  • The optic nerve is the great messenger at the back of our eye.

  • The enamel covers the crown.
  • The pulp and nerves send messages to your brain like if something is cold of hot it will know.
  • cementum attaches the roots of your teeth to your jawbone.
  • The Sharp pointy tooth is called a canine.
  • Molars are the big teeth that help grind your food.
  • Teeth help you eat and talk.
  • Baby's have primary teeth.
  • wisdom teeth are the last teeth you get.
  • The roots protect the dentin.
  • The white part of your teeth are called the crown.


  • Your spine has 33 bones in it.
  • The smallest bone in your body is called a stirrup.
  • Your bones are connected by joints. 
  • There are 206 bones in an adult body.
  • The bones in your spine are called vertebrae.
  • The patella is found in your knee.
  • bone marrow is in the centre of your bones.
  • Your bones will stop growing by the time you are 25.
  • The skull protects your brain.
  • your rib cage protects your heart, liver and lungs.

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