How do we measure time?
Hours, minutes, days, seconds, months, years, weeks, fortnights, centres, decades
How long is a year?
365 days, 52 weeks
How long is a fortnight?
2 weeks
How many days in September?
What is a leap year?
When an extra day is added on
What does AM mean?
before midday
What does PM mean?
past midday
When was the last leap year?
30 days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31, excepting February, which has 28 days clear and 29 in a leap year.
How many minutes between 7:30 and 11:25 am?
235 minutes
How many minutes between twenty to eight in the morning and midday?
260 minutes
How many hours and minutes between half-past 12 in the afternoon and a quarter past 5 in the evening?
4 hours and 45 minutes
If the time is now 8 am. What will be the time in:
A. 30 minutes = 8:30 am
B. A quarter of an hour= 8:15 am
C. 12 hours= 8 pm
D. 4 hour 10 minutes= 12:10 pm
E. 140 minutes= 10:20 am
F. 72 minutes= 9:12 am
Jane has to be at school by 8:40 am If it takes her 25 minutes to bike, What is the lastest time she can leave home?
8:15 am
John started work at 8am and finished at 5pm He is not paid for half an hour break.
a. How long did he work for?
8 hours and a half
b.On Friday he started at 7:30 am and finished at 3:15 pm. How long did he work for?
7 hours and 45 minutes
Jason watched these three programs on tv, Neighbour for 50 minutes. Shortland street for 25 minutes and heartbeat for 75 minutes For how long did he watch tv? ( answer in hours and minutes)
2 hours and 30 minutes
Using the sky television movie guide below, Answer this question
a. How long was, making of tank girl?
35 minutes
b.How long in hours in minutes was sleep with me?
An hour and 25 minutes
c. What time did madonna-innocence lose start?
9:30 am
d. If you watched television today from the beginning of the favour to the end of Immortal beloved how long in hours and minutes would it have been (allow a 5-minute break from screen to screen)
5 Hours
e. Which programme is the longest?
Immortal Beloved
The Wilson family travelled from Wellington to Auckland. The travelling time took 7 hours 15 minutes which did not include a 40 minute stop for lunch and two rest of 15 minutes each.
A. How long did the complete journey take?
8 hours 25 minutes
B.If they left Wellington
Using the of a New Zealand time travel map, How long would it take to travel between these places?a.New Plymouth and Opunake=1 hour 10 minutesb.Masterton and Wellington=2 hoursc. Hawera Palmerstontron north= 2 hours 15 minutes
Which is the quickest way and by how much? D. New Plymouth to Hawera?Standford 35minutessE.Wellington to Woodville?p.north by ten minutes from Paraparaumu and Levin
What will the date be in 10 days time from:a. 13th May=23 Mayb. 29th January=8 Februaryc. 25th December=4 Januaryd. 21st June= 1 Julye. 21st October=31st October
Cherie on a world trip on 10 April 1997 and returned to New Zealand on 20 December 1998. How old were you to the nearest day on 1 January of this year?619 daysHow old were you to the nearest day on January the 1 January of this year?13 years 2 months 6 days oldWrite these times in 24-hour clock notation:a.3am=03:00b. 4.15 am=04:15c.9.20 am=09:20d. Midday=12:00e.7.38 am=07:38f.1.30pm=13:00g. 5.45 pm=17:45h. 6.22 pm=16:22i.12.03 pm=12:03j.Midnight=00:00Write these times in am/pm notationa.00;10;=12:10 amb.01;35=1:35 amc.04:01= 4:01 amd.09;40= 9:40 ame.10;10= 10:20 amf.12;05= 12:05 pmg,15;24=3:25 pmh.18;36=6:36pmi.22;19=10:19pmj.23;45=11:45 pm
Andrea leaves for school at 08:05 and arrives home at 15;50. School starts at 08:30and finishes at 15:15. She has 15 minutes for interval and 1 hour for lunch:a. How long is she away from home?7 hours 45 minutesb.How long does she spend at school?6 hours and 45 minutesc.How long does she spend at lessons?5 hours 30 minutesd.What tia does Andrea finish school in am/pm notation?3:15 pme.What time does she get home from school in am/pm Notation?3:50pm